Short information about organisation of Policy Conference in Czech Republic
Energy Research Center at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, organize at 5th October in hotel Flora in Olomouc (Czech Republic) conference “Perspective of energetic use of biomass”. To this conference are invited all experts in this area, representatives of cities, state administration and companies.
29 June 2011 – Official inauguration of the first Czech biogas plant with split cogeneration
The 1 MWe biogas plant in Třeboň, South Bohemia, is the first Czech biogas plant with significant supply of heat. The plant is situated about 2 km north from the town’s periphery and the input substrates are pig slurry and energy crops, mainly corn and grass silage.
The Czech Info Day took place on April 20, 2011 at the Congress Centre METROPOL, in České Budějovice, the regional capital of South Bohemia. The Info Day was organized by SEVEn in cooperation with the Czech Gas Association (Český plynárenský svaz), an association of firms active in the gas industry, at the occasion of the international conference BIOPLYN 2011 (Biogas 2011) with over hundred attendees. (see the conference program with the CBE logo)
One of the important aspects of regional energy planning is to enhance local acceptance towards the use of renewable energy sources. In the project COACH BioEnergy several activities focus on fostering local acceptance of innovative technologies for biomass utilization.