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Central Europe Program http://www.central2013.eu/

Interreg IVC Innovation and Environment Program http://www.interreg4c.net/

Competitivness and Innovation Framework Program http://ec.europa.eu/cip/index_en.htm


Biomassza projektek az EU-baN

BioHousing Project http://www.biohousing.eu.com/

Increasing use of Biomass Project http://www.encrop.net/

Gasification-Guide Project www.gasification-guide.eu

RUBIRES www.rubires.de

4Biomass www.4biomass.eu


Ingyenes segédeszközöK

Transport calculatorProvider: Ingenieurgesellschaft für Verkehrs-und Eisenbahnwesen mbH (IVE mbH)

Wood calculator
This wood calculator enables the conversion of different energy wood typesand the determination of their indicative prices.



European Commission - Regional Policy http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_en.htm

Wikipedia - Biomass http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomass

eu-regional-development_01 eu-regional-development_01
Ez a projekt a CENTRAL EUROPE program keretében valósul meg, amelyet az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap (ERFA) társfinanszíroz.