COACH BioEnergy Consultancy Manual
– Comprehensive Version –
28th July 2011
Comprehensive version of the COACH Consultancy Manual - as of 25th July 2011
The Consultancy Manual serves as a guideline for practically participating in the COACH BioEnergy (CBE) network. The following document only contains introductory parts of the Manual to give a brief overview on the COACH background and the main services offered.
The full version of the Guideline is available for the user of the internal COACH portal.
In case of any difficulties in using the Manual or if some questions remain unanswered you may contact the CBE network by e-mail: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. .
Sincerely, your CBE team!
Link: Manual