Bioenergy Center in Rostín
Bioenergy Center in Rostín
Location (settlement, country):
Rostín, Zlín region, Czech Republic
Brief description of the technology:
This project covered the building of a district heating plant for heating municipal buildings and family houses in the village Roštín and the building of pipelines and storage facilities for straw bales.
Main heating source – boiler K1:
Type of boiler: GVB 4000 (Low-pressure hot water boiler),
Producer: Danstoker A/S, Denmark.
Heating surface: 339 m3
The maximum permissible temperature of the water: 120°C
Standby heating source – boiler K2:
Type of boiler: THP 1500 IN (Automatic hot water boiler Primatik)
Max. power: 1500 KW.
This boiler is used only as a standby heating source in the case of the malfunction of the main heating source.
Hot water distribution:
The distribution of hot water is provided by pre-insulated steel pipes. The maximum temperature of the heating medium is 95°C. The temperature of the heating medium is regulated by a three-way mixing valve with equithermal regulation. For ensuring the sufficient heating of hot water for industrial use, the minimal temperature of the heating medium should be 70°C in the individual buildings. A signaling device is placed in the hot water pipeline, which is used for the localization of pipeline faults.
154 households are connected to this central heating source now, besides the primary school, the nursery school, the Sokolovna building and the buildings of the municipality including the post office, the church and the swimming pool.
Why is it a „Best practice”?
This project (installation) can be called “Best Practice” because a traditional heating system (used solid fuels mainly coal and its products) was replaced in many households by a central heating source that uses cereal straw and rape straw (renewable energy sources) as fuel. This installation reduces the emission load in the air of the village, and also reduces the energy consumption of the village as well.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no):
YES, by prior arrangement.
František Machara (manager),
E-Mail: ,
Telephone + Fax: +420 573 368 297
Mobil: +420 608 758 927
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Related technology:
Rape production