Biomass boiler in primary school in Janów community
Biomass boiler in primary school in Janów community
Location (settlement, country):
Janów, Śląskie voivodship, Poland
Brief description of the technology:
Janów Municipality – a member of the Association of Municipalities Polish Network “Energie Cites” – is located in the Silesia province, 20 km from Częstochowa and 90 km from Krakow. In Janow municipality efforts have been taken for a long time in order to eliminate coal as a fuel, and to replace it with biomass. Thanks to large forest resources (more than half of the municipal area is covered with forests) and the presence of the wood processing industry, it is possible to use by-products and wood waste as fuel to produce heat. The concept of building a biomass boiler is also a result of Janów community’s efforts for clean environment encouraging tourists to visit these areas.Why is it a „Best practice”?
It was a pilot investment. Its unique nature depends on the fact that it was the first boiler in the region based on renewable energy sources. The additional value of the biomass boiler was to popularize this kind of fuel among the local people. The biomass Boiler in Janów is a demonstration installation intended to be a model solution for similar facilities in the Jura region.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no)?
Primary School in Janów,
Principal: Mrs. Małgorzata Ceglarek
Telephone: 0048 34 3278009
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Source: VI Spotkanie Platformy „Innowacyjna Gmina Wiejska” Gminne Centrum Energetyczne, 25 listopada 2008, Gierałtowice