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Biomass boiler in Örményes
Biomass boiler in Örményes
Location (settlement, country):
Örményes, Hungary
Brief description of the technology:
The project is a best practice, as it is viable in terms of economic, social and environmental aspects. It is a good example for the decentralized biomass utilization in agricultural areas. The 120 kW capacity enables that agricultural wastes from nearby sources are used. Modern boiler technology ensures an efficient burning (90% efficiency) of the biomass fuel. The produced heat is used by the primary school of Örményes.The economic aspect makes this investment for other municipalities attractive, as the costs of the heating of the primary school decreased by 50% in the first year.From the social point of view, this part of Hungary is economically underdeveloped, and unemployment is a problem for the municipalities. As a result of the investment 1 person is employed full time, and 10-15 seasonal public workers ensure the agricultural waste and timber supply.Through the utilization of a renewable energy source (biomass) instead of gas, the greenhouse gas emissions of Örményes can be reduced.
The combination of cogeneration units and a biomass boiler present one of the possible variants of highly ecological heating solutions with convenient economical costs and environmental impacts.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no)?
Mr. Csaba Török – Mayor of Örményes
Telephone: 0036-56-339-043
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