Biomass Boiler in Baja
Biomass Boiler in Baja
Location (settlement, country):
Baja, Hungary
Brief description of the technology:
In the year 2008 the municipality of Baja decided to broaden their district heating system and signed a 15 year contract with Greenergy Group in order to provide the city with an additional heat amount of 36000 GJ. Therefore a 2.5 MW biomass-fired boiler was opened as a result of the cooperation on December 9th 2009 (as the 1st phase of the investment), which plant provides heat and hot water to 2000 households and other local public institutions in Baja during winter season.
Why is it a „Best practice”:
The transition to alternative energy sources in the case of the biomass plant of Baja reduces the negative impacts on the environment and results lower CO2 emission. Greenergy applied several innovative technical solutions to keep the noise and air pollution level under the environmental limits. Even though the plant combusts mainly woodchips from forestries for the time being, the company plans to create an energy plantation on a 300 ha leased field as a long term solution to heating material supply.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no):
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