Biogas Plant Úslava (in Prestice)
Biogas Plant Úslava (in Prestice)
Location (settlement, country):
Dolní Lukavice (BGP), Přeštice (cogen units in two locations)
Brief description of the technology:
The biogas plant with the total electric capacity of about 1 MWe is situated in West Bohemia, about 3 km north from the town of Přeštice (about 15 km from Plzeň). Input substrates are cattle slurry, poultry excrements and energy crops, mainly corn and grass silage.
The heat and power generating capacity is split into several locations: Smaller units are at the biogas plant (in total 380 kWe), and two other units are in the town of Přeštice (600 kWe at the central district heating plant and 175 kWe). The biogas piping is about 2,8 km long. Thanks to this concept, most of the heat generated can be effectively used.
The main contractors were Anlagen- Und Apparatebau Lüthe GmbH for the biogas production technology and ŠIMÁČEK – STAVBY s.r.o. for the civil part of the biogas plant and the biogas piping. The cogeneration units were supplied by Tedom.
The financing was covered by a bank loan and a subsidy from EU structural funds (30%).Why is it a „Best practice”:
Thanks to splitting the cogeneration capacity and the installation of a gas piping, energy in biogas can be transported to a longer distance to the location where it could be efficiently utilized. At the same time the biogas plant can be situated out of the town, in the centre of fields producing the input substrates.
The investor took great care to optimize the locations of the CHP plants in the town.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no):
Website (if available):
Contact person:
334 44 Dolní Lukavice 196
Telephone: +420 377 188 111 - 20
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CBE Partner:
Americká 17, 120 00 Praha 2
Telephone: +420 221 592 523,
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