Agricultural biogas station in Studzionka (Pszczyna)
Agricultural biogas station in Studzionka (Pszczyna)
Location (settlement, country):
Studzionka (Pszczyna), Poland
Brief description of the technology:
In Studzionka an agricultural biogas station with power around 25-30kW works with chicken manure and pig slurry. Installation includes: fermentation tank (railway tank with capacity of 61 m3), round, concrete tank for fermentation pulp with 353 m3 capacity (for the secondary recovery of biogas from pulp) and biogas tank (plastic membrane with 90 m3 capacity). Cleaned from hydrogen sulfide biogas is burned in a generator adapted with diesel engine, formerly used in an excavator “Białoruś”. Investor can produce 2 kWhEl from 1 m3 of biogas. Biogas is mainly produced from the fermentation of chicken manure (12 thousands of hens) and pig slurry (300 porkers raised in Pojda family farm). It is difficult to estimate the average fuel use as depending on the needs the delivery of raw material is higher or lower. Final product consists around 55% of methane. The fermentation pulp produced in the process is used as organic fertilizer.
Scheme of the micro biogas station in Studzionka:
Why is it a „Best practice”?
Micro biogas station in Studzionka is a best practice example because of many reasons. Firstly it is environmental friendly as it utilizes wastes produced in the farm (pig slurry, hens excrements) turning them into valuable pulp, which is used as fertilizer (saving funds on potassium and phosphoric fertilizers). Another important aspect is also the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. The described investment is a pioneer installation in Poland – it is known as low power biogas station (micro biogas station) –, but these types of installations are required to use the existing energy potential on rural areas.
This installation in Studzionka is used also as a demonstrative and educational object. Many people interested in agricultural biogas production can see the correctly working micro biogas station, and it convinces them about its values.
Possibility for a visit or guided tour (yes / no)?Yes, after agreement with the owner, in cooperation with the Silesian Agricultural Extension Centre in Czestochowa, is possible to organize a study visit in the micro biogas station in Studzionka.
Education and the awareness raising of the public about biogas stations are important issues which should be improved to convince the society about their values, and to break stereotypes of these types of installations. Visitors can practically see how micro biogas stations work, and study its installation and its influence on the natural environment.
Contact:MA Jakub Cofała ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
Silesian Agricultural Extension Centre in Częstochowa
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