Study of a biogas-fired cogeneration unit located in an industrial plant in Central Bohemia, Czech Republic
Project partner SEVEn continues promoting the better usage of heat from biogas plants (see the presentation of possible solutions in CBE Newsletter No. 5). A pre-feasibility study has just been prepared for concrete conditions – for the integration of a biogas cogeneration unit into an industrial plant in central Bohemia.
The original plan was a biogas plant without use of heat. The new concept under evaluation comprises a 4 km long raw biogas piping and a 1 MWe cogeneration unit within the industrial complex. About half of the heat generated will be medium pressure steam which is needed for production processes. The other half of the heat will be supplied as hot water and will be used partly for preheating make-up water for the main steam boiler plant and for space heating of administrative buildings. Total annual utilization of energy in raw biogas delivered will rise up to 70% (compared to about 40% for power only in the case of the original biogas plant concept). Project economic evaluation shows relatively good results with simple payback time under 7 years. Currently the concept is assessed by the management of the industrial company. They may decide either to implement the project themselves or engage a third party to install and operate it and just purchase green energy as a marketing feature with no financial advantage. The biogas plant investor/operator will be guaranteed the same revenues from raw biogas sales as they would get from electricity in the original concept. Possible leverage in persuading the biogas plant investor in favour of the new solution might be better chances of receiving an investment subsidy thanks to better energy efficiency according to new rules which are in preparation.