Renewable energy strategic plan (RESP) of Třebíč (Cz) is finalized
In the frame of project COACH BioEnergy the Energy Research Center of the Technical University of Ostrava has finalized a renewable energy strategic plan. The objective of the strategy is to increase energy autonomy of the settlement, coordinate local energy issues and increase energy efficiency and production of renewable energy production.
Třebíč is a city situated in the west of Moravia, in the southeastern part of the Vysočina Region. Average altitude is about 406 m above sea. Třebíč has about 40000 inhabitants. It is an important center of western Moravia. Třebíč area is 56 km2 and the city is divided into 17 parts, of which 10 are located in urban areas and the remaining 7 in the vicinity.The development of the population has a slightly downward trend, this decrease results a regressive trend in average food consumption and increasing the relative potential land for energy crops.
In Třebíč a created central heating system (CHS) provides the heat for the inhabitants. It consists of 3 main branches (north, south and west), but in the past 10 years a decreasing trend is characteristic. A gradual process of removing local resources and connection to the CHS is noticable. CHS uses biomass as main fuel. The share of biomass gradually grew to about 90% in year 2010.
The basic issue for a development of a local energy strategy was the request for an ecological friendly and an economical resource for satisfying the heating demand of the town from the municipality decesion makers. After eveluating a huge database of the town, a SWOT analysis and searching for an energy rationalisation potential of the sectors in the town, we can underline, that it is preferable to continue the expansion of CHS and to promote the use of renewable energy with local resources.
There are enough raw materials in the area, the largest share of supply is obtained by chipping of waste wood from local forests. A significant source of wood chips are also pruning the local and surrounding urban parks. In available potential areas to 40 km from Třebíč is 32 000 t of biomass. This is the green chips, sawdust and bark. This represents with the calorific value of 8 GJ / t and efficiency of 85% about 217 600 GJ of heat. In case of lack of suitable fuel in the future, there is a possibility, to create plantations of fast growing species which would be able to satisfy the required demand for fuels.
The results of the strategy were presented to the locals and the municipality representatives, but the realisation of the strategy was postponed. The main obstacle is the lack of available financial opportunities for the municipality.
Třebíč represents a good example with its district heating and emerging trends in this area, a solution for replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy sources.