Silesian Agricultural Extension Centre in Częstochowa as initiator for establishment of regional “Silesian Eco-Energia cluster”
On 22nd of November 2011 in the Silesian Agricultural Extension Centre in Częstochowa, the first meeting of 20 polish and foreign entrepreneurs, representatives of Technical Universities from Częstochowa and Wrocław, and representatives of local governments took place. A result of this meeting was the establishment of the regional agreement called “Silesian ECO-ENERGIA cluster”.
Preparation of this agreement and preliminary strategy and tasks which Silesian ECO-ENERGIA Cluster will realize is an effect of few months work of cluster initiators which are: Silesian Agricultural Extension Centre in Częstochowa, KMC Poland Ltd. Company, Regional Chamber of Commerce in Częstochowa, UNICONSULT GmbH from Austria and Wachelka INERGIS company from Częstochowa.
The meeting was opened by Mr. Grzegorz Boski, Deputy Director of SODR, who highlighted the role of SODR in the preliminary work, whose employees have gained experiences in bio-energy, during the participation in the international project “COACH BioEnergy”
Main assumptions and perspective targets of the establishment and functioning of the cluster were presented during this meeting, which are familiar with strategic directions of regional and local entrepreneurship development. Cooperation of many enterprises, institutions and various organizations linked together with horizontal and vertical correlations, and at the same time co-working in different aspects of activities, can achieve stable competitive advantage.
With highest interests were listened by audience presentation of partners of the Cluster, especially representatives from Austria and Germany.
They underlined the benefits of such initiatives in their speeches, thinking about the experiences from their countries, where cluster initiatives exist and work. They also indicated their help and support for this new initiative, not only as formal partner, but also using many years’ experience.
This meeting was also noticed by local and regional TV and radio stations, which have broadcasted news and reports.
The last activity of the meeting was the signing of an „Agreement” by all declared partners for the establishment of cooperation in „Silesian ECO ENERGIA Cluster”.