COACH BioEnergy project finishes in a few days: Operator changes – service stays
With the project COACH BioEnergy – co-funded by the European Commission – an innovative information and consultancy network for the growing bioenergy market was initiated in Central Europe. The project partners of six countries promoted sustainable energy production from biomass through the establishment of an extensive knowledge and consultancy network.
During the three years of the project we organized several conferences to reach our target groups (decision makers, farmers, engineers, municipal planners etc.) and provided newsletters regularly to keep them up to date on the latest news concerning bioenergy.
Tasks are changing with the end of the project of COACH BioEnergy. During the beginning of 2012 Fraunhofer UMSICHT will transfer the COACH BioEnergy website to the server of the Szent István University. The Szent Istvan University will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the COACH BioEnergy website in future. Thus the further operation is guaranteed. All known and recent information will be available at the website.
The COACH BioEnergy Team finished the work on the content development. The translations of the documents are still in progress. The 42 detailed technology descriptions of different biomass related technologies were developed by experts during the project lifetime. The descriptions are colourful and show the theoretical background and the practical implementation (=> ).The detailed descriptions of the technologies will be published on the website (=> Technologies) as soon as they are available.
189 technical terms were collected and published in the glossary (=> Glossary). These terms will be uploaded on the website until the end of December and also the descriptions of the 32 best practice examples (=> Best Practice Examples). For the future it is planned to extend the amount of the examples. Also the six easy calculation tools will be available (=> Easy Calculations Tools).
During the last three years the team received many requests regarding the project and the topic bioenergy. The COACH BioEnergy Team is very pleased about the interest and will foster the sustainable usage of bioenergy also in future.
For more information on the project and involved partner organisations please visit: