Biogas plans in Poland – Poland’s Energy Policy until 2030
Building biogas plants using agricultural biomass sources in each commune till 2020 that has appropriate conditions is a major scope of "Directions of development for agricultural biogas plants in Poland between 2010-2020". The document prepared by the Ministry of Economy was accepted by the Council of Ministers on 13th July 2010.
The development of biogas plants is also one of the goals set by the "Poland’s Energy Policy until 2030" adapted by the Council of Ministers on 10th November 2009. This document aims at increasing the share of renewable energy in the final energy consumption to the level of the least 15% as well as up to 10% within the transport fuels market by year 2020.
The Ministry of Economy forecasted that biogas plants will be developed in many communes with large areas of farm land from which biomass may be derived. This means a type of harmonization of the state’s national priorities with those of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy.
The document shows the most important legal and administrative barriers and how the Polish legal system shall be optimized in order to support the construction processes of biogas plants. Within one year from the date of adoption by the Council of Ministers, the relevant ministers will be required to develop instruments that facilitate investments in this sector.
The Energy Policy until 2030 was prepared by the Ministry of Economy in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and presents also the possibility of cofunding biogas installations from public funds, both domestic and European. These include the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, the Program for projects in the renewable energy and cogeneration facilities, the Rural Development Programme and the Regional Operational Programmes for 2007-2013.
The strategy indicates also the need for appropriate promotional and educational campaigns in the scope of constructing and using agricultural biogas plants. This need is addressed to entrepreneurs, farmers, agricultural producers and local communities. In the implementation of the Strategy also research centers and training centers, agricultural advisory services, research and teaching and the media will take part.